Mono is a music discovery and playback app combining multiple sources into one experience. You get access to the entire world of artists, their releases, their top tracks and their media. You configure and prioritize music sources for playback, including your local files, Soundcloud, Subsonic and of course YouTube - either on your device or on Chromecast. You can also view artist bios, images, concerts and similar artists and build, save and share playlists easily. There are also many ways to automatically build playlists, from top tracks overall, by genre, by country, by tag as well as, SoundCloud, Spotify & Billboard charts.
- Contacts - we do NOT get or want access to your contacts but to use your registered emails on your device we need permission to read these account emails. Android categorizes this permission with Contacts, but rest assured we do not request access.
- Calendar - to post concerts
- Microphone - to speak text
- Location - to see concerts in the vicinity
Subsonic is supported for those of you that want to stream your own music. You will need to download the server onto your desktop/laptop ( and set it up with your music library.
Last, but by no means least, please provide feedback to, especially the negative and creative varieties. We know many of you are using the features successfully but there are a few users who cannot seem to even run the app at all. We have tested on many devices but not every one, so rather than just trashing the app please give us an opportunity to figure out why it won't run for you by sending device specs, ROM version, and as much information as possible as to what is happening. If we then fail to resolve the issue by all means trash it.
See the review on Tapscape
Fix related to Subsonic downloads and the MediaStore for Android Q
Added Billboard chart date control
Fixed Billboard chart issues & updated all Android libraries
Fixed problem with images.
Updated android libraries
Added Spotify functionality - My Playlists & My Followed Artists. More to come
Fixed permissioning for file access
Updated android libraries
Continuing to improve YouTube playlist functionality. YouTube user playlists now viewable (better late than never). Access on the YouTube submenu from the sliding menu on the home screen
Start of YouTube integration improvements. First up, access to 'Cool Playlists'
Issues on Android 9. Stepped back to Android 8 version and fixed some icon problems on menus when running on on Android 9.
Fix to Billboard artist charts and general library update for whole app
Fixed issue with stepping forward through YouTube video versions for a track
Continued improvements for ChromeOS running of Mono.
Last playlist playing is now restored on app restart.
Various bug fixes and library updates.
YouTube Player improvements for landscape mode.
Updated Mono to run on Chrome OS
On ChromeOS Mono works well but the Showcase help screens aren't yet working - just esc or go back for now
Cursor keys are working for next, prev, up and down. Can move tracks and, for Soundcloud and Youtube can also step through versions.
Minor cosmetic updates
Added App Shortcuts for Android 7.1 and above.
Improved menus.
Various bug fixes
Fixed home screen autocomplete menu problem and Subsonic download notification on Oreo and up. Added Subsonic showcase helper to guide user through setup.
Filters added to Events, Categories, Playlists activities. Library updates. Bug fixes
Restored Billboard charts and expanded functionality. Added filter to category screens. Library updates.
Library updates. Removes Billboard as their service is down.
Fix for broken Billboard charts. Library upgrade for Google Play Services. Minor bug fixes
Updates to Subsonic functionality. Various bug fixes
Android 8.1 updates. More bug fixes.
Added long press on home launcher cards to move a card to the top position, giving the user the ability to customize the order. Various stability fixes.
More bug fixes. Replaced Bing (now paid) with Getty Images (thumbnails only) as alternative to Google for Artist Images
Bug fixes and improved image handling
Fix for app hanging on resume
Android Oreo release. Added Songkick Venue Lookup. Various bug and stale link fixes.
Improvements to app notifications for local playback and Chromecast.Bug fixes for subsonic SSL playbackImproved permissioning for first time usersIncreased minimum Android version support to 19 (KitKat) (from 17 - Lollipop) - if this affects you please email support